Automate Your Tasks with Automations
Streamline Your Workflow
Automations is automation software designed specifically for Stellenbosch University students. Access all your favorite links, apps and more from the click of a button.
Say goodbye to tedious manual work and hello to more productivity with Automations.
- Open web browser links
- Automated PC Search
- Automated Google/Youtube Search
Effortless automation, intuitive design.
The Automations dashboard lets you perform common computer tasks with a single click. From launching installed apps to opening online links, Automations simplifies it all for you.
- Automations automatically opens your browser to open Links
- Automatically open your most used apps
- Search Google/Youtube and Query ChatGPT within Automations
Installation Guide
- 1. Download the zip file.
- 2. Extract the contents to a folder of your choosing.
- 3. Run the Automations file to launch the application.
- We recommend pinning the application to your taskbar for easy access every time you start your PC
Release Notes
Release Notes for Automations
- Automations 1.00.5 uses the default browser in your system settings. If you have a preferred browser to open links, you can activate it by setting it as your default browser in your system settings.
- Query ChatGPT feature works better with short promptsĀ
- Ensure you are logged into your account before you use the Query ChatGPT featureĀ
Automations is still in the early stages of development and will continue to receive new features over time. Additionally, existing features will be improved to enhance your experience.
Automations App Feedback
We would love to hear from you regarding your experience with the Automations app. If you have any bugs to report or would like to suggest an addition, please do not hesitate to contact us using the forms below. Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of the Automations app.