Welcome to the Stellenbosch University AI Society

We're living through exciting times. Let's explore together

The Stellenbosch University AI Society is a student-run society open to all Stellenbosch Univeristy Students. We’re dedicated to exploring the field of Artificial Intelligence. We believe that AI is one of the most exciting fields of our time, and we want to share that excitement with you.

What we do


AI is set to revolutionize all fields, from healthcare to finance, from engineering to arts. No matter what you’re studying or what field you’re interested in working in, our society is here to help you navigate the interdisciplinary nature of AI. Join us as we explore the endless possibilities together.


As a member of our society, you’ll have the opportunity to work on exciting projects that will allow you to explore the field of AI in a practical way. We’re super excited to see what we’ll build together!


We will have occasional workshops were we share knowledge that is instrumental in preparing for a future where AI will be the new norm. From programming to laws regulations around AI. Our workshops will cover a broad range of topics to keep our community up-to-date with the fast paced world of AI.

Research Paper Readings

We’ll be doing group readings of academic research papers related to the field of AI. Papers will range from Alan Turing’s seminal work “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” to the paper that birthed the current boom in generative AI, “Attention is you need”.

Case Studies

We will be discussing case studies of how AI is being used in industry to create value. Some of our corporate sponsors will also be involved with a few of the sessions to provide their first-hand accounts. For the more business-minded of our community, this will be beneficial in illustrating what’s possible.

Subscribe to our newsletter

If you’re interested in AI, you should definitely subscribe to our biweekly newsletter. We’ll send you the latest news in AI, as well as information about our upcoming events and projects.